Sunday, July 28, 2013

I was asked by my sister-in-law  to help her inspect and transport a sunfish sailboat that she was interested in purchasing. So we all (the three Afloats, grandma and sister in-law) piled into grandma's CRV and headed an hour and a half down the road to look at the boat. It turned out to be a pretty good value and after a good once over my sister-in-law became the proud owner of her first registered vehicle.
After the routine paper work to keep Uncle Sam happy had been taken care of we turned our attention to getting the boat home, a task that was rather more difficult than I had at first thought. Having already checked the rating of the roof rack on the CRV, and found it to be half the weight of the boat we had brought some 2x4s and old towels to help take some of the load. it was a rather delicate task owing to the sunroof and the thin sheet metal of the roof.
Here are some pictures of the process:

Deciding where to begin
Tying the first of many butterfly knots
Tightening down the diamond hitch.
Grandma, Baby Afloat, and Sister-in-law inspecting the lashings.

First Pink Slip!
Ready for the trip home
 After arriving home we decided to rig her to let the sail dry out and for the fun of it.

Rigging her for the first time.
Making her shipshape.

Sister-in-law and her yacht.



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